We seem to have lost the ability to blog on homesweethighway, so we are starting a new blog, called (our Nova Scotia home) , Welcome to anyone that followed us on our six month trip to B.C. . via Florida, Texas, California, Oregon to Comox and back again! We are camping aroiund Nova Scotia , campgrounds and friends who let us plug in! We just had a wonderful three day rest at Annapolis River Campground in Bridgetown N. S. with friends Cathy & Brian, watched some great fireworks on Canada Day, now heading up the Valley to visit my long lost son, Rob.
We are very relaxed because we have found our new Nova Scotia home in Western Shore, near where we used to live prior to our Snowbird Odessey! We move in on August 1st, meanwhile we have a busy schedule, see our doctors, sign a lease, see our friend Donna from St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, go to the Tattoo, then settle into Cathy & Brian's for a week in preparation for her daughter's wedding!
Whooo Hooo!!! Andy and I are the first new followers. Great to hear all is going good with ya'll. We'll keep in touch.